Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Swanky Wedding

Brad has a friend named Ben who he met his Freshman Year at BYU. I met Ben one Sunday in March 2011 when Brad and I happened to be at Kiwanis Park at the same time as Ben and his then girlfriend Elise.

Last Fall, Elise and I were in Human Biology together {turns out, Elise and I are in the same major}. Instead of paying attention in class, we bonded over Pinterest, talking about relationships, and wedding planning {Ben and Elise got engaged over the summer}.

Well, on April 21, Ben and Elise got married! Brad and I were lucky enough to attend their sealing in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple and their reception that night. It was a blast!

The ceremony was special and sweet. {Lots of holding hands with my hubby, happy tears, and baby hunger(?) on my part. Sealings are about eternal families, as well as the couple at the altar.}

The reception had all of Elise's cute vintage style {which I didn't get any pictures of} and lots of swing music.
Before we got to the reception, I made Brad promise he would dance with me for one song {he hates dancing}. But as soon as we got there I remembered that most of the Swanks' friends are in the Swing Club, so I let him off the hook. {but he still owes me a dance...}

Between the sealing and the reception, Brad and I had a fun mini trip up to Salt Lake City, but I'll write about that in a separate post.
Thank you Ben and Elise for getting married! We love you!

I love this picture because Brad looks like a model :)